Monday, August 29, 2011

Seeing Spots

Yesterday afternoon we noticed that Mallory had what looked to be a rash developing on her bottom and upper legs. It was pretty mild and we wrote it off as either a diaper rash or heat rash, considering we've been having some hot weather lately. However, this morning when I woke her up it was everywhere. Her head, her arms, her bottom, her legs, her feet. Everywhere. For a minute I thought I was seeing spots, as if though I had those trick glasses on. I couldn't believe they had multiplied that quickly.

This next sentence will probably have some parents shaking their heads at me, but don't judge because I'm pretty sure every parent can say they've done this at least once in desperation. I still took her to daycare this morning. (Wince). I had to at least go in for a couple hours to bust out a few things at work because I have quite a bit on my plate right now. I also didn't notice a big change to her persona, she didn't have a temperature, and she downed her morning feeding like a champ. So to me I still believed it wasn't that serious; hives or maybe an allergic reaction to something she came in contact with.

So obviously daycare called me a few hours later and reprimanded me to come a get my child. Shoot. But at least I got to check off a couple things on my work to-do list. Back to home we went with a doctor's appointment later to confirm that she indeed has Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Luckily it's more annoying than painful for her, but unfortunately there is no cure so we have to just let it run it's course. According to the doctor, that means she's at home all week. Geesh. Being a working parent can be really hard in times like these. I think what irritates me the most is that she got this virus from daycare - there was another kid that had it a week ago and here we are with our own case. I know that when you have children in daycare they're going to be surrounded by germs constantly, but it doesn't make me accept it with open arms.

As soon as I heard the verdict from the doctor I got on the phone and started finding people to help act as babysitter. Jody's pulling daddy daycare tomorrow, mom is doing Wednesday and Thursday, and I've got Friday. Silver lining in the situation: at least she's getting this virus out of the way for Hawaii in a few weeks. In the meantime, our poor little girl looks miserable so we're giving her some extra TLC.

My Assistant

I'm coordinating a wedding this coming Sunday and I walked the space with my bride this past weekend at their venue, the Old Sugar Mill. I brought along with me my assistant and of course she had a great time exploring the reception area - lots of room to walk and walk and walk...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Heart Her

Mallory has been SO much fun lately. She is a walking machine now and pretty much does hot laps anywhere she has the room to do it. It's not her sole mode of transportation but she practices more and more each day. She has already upgraded to the next class at church because she's mowing down the younger babies; oops. Most times she doesn't even look to see what's in her path, she just walks right through or over it. She let me sleep the whole night the past two nights now and I finally feel like I caught up on the lack of sleep I had been getting. I think those teeth sprouting out of her gums more has helped. We had a great weekend, and both Jody and I had multiple moments where we thought to ourselves or out loud, "I heart her!"

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Top Teeth

Finally got a shot of those four top teeth that have been slowly making their way down for what seems like months.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Playground Fun

I have been researching the parks around Folsom to have Mallory's first birthday party at and I'm pretty sure I found the perfect one. So last night after dinner we all went over to look at it and indulge in some playground fun.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Road Trip

Mallory and I are off on a girls road trip to Mamaw's house today. Hope I remembered to pack all the essentials. We're going to have a great time shopping, playing at the park, barbecuing, and of course being spoiled by Mamaw!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ten Months

Holy moly, Miss Mallory is ten months old today. I know I say it every month when her monthly birthday rolls around, but I just can't believe how quickly time goes by. Mallory has had some BIG milestones within this last month so it makes it even more apparent that she's growing up right before our eyes. She has totally blossomed in many areas of development and it has been a lot of fun to see; some difficult sleepless nights sprinkled in, but still fun.

The proudest achievement is that Mallory is now walking on her own. I knew she would be walking before her first birthday, but I didn't expect her to do so before ten months. Jody and I had a bet going, he chose August and I chose September; he won by a landslide considering it was the beginning of August that she started walking. She still likes you to assist her with one of your fingers more than walking on her own, but she's definitely able to get to where she wants without you. It's really cute to see this boost of confidence that she now has after figuring out how to walk on her own. She's starting to become more adventurous; climbing on things, attempting to go up the stairs (gotta get that baby gate out of storage), even bouncing up and down without hanging on to something.

Due to some of this new found confidence, Mallory's personality is starting to become stronger. She is very smart and watches us like a hawk now. She's even starting to copy cat on certain things: waving, kisses, dancing, throwing. She already throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way. It's just a small glimpse of what we have to look forward to during her "terrible twos" I'm sure. Most times when she's throwing her pity party I'm laughing, which I think makes her get more frustrated sometimes. She gave me a scowl face this evening during bath time because I kept pinching her butt and she wanted me to stop. SO CUTE! She is for sure going to be a little firecracker with her attitude as she gets older.

The sleepless nights have been pretty brutal this past month. Her four top teeth have just recently made a slight appearance but they sure are taking their time coming in all the way. I keep telling myself that I only have to put up with the lack of sleep until those suckers are out, but I also thought they'd be out by now. Her hair is filling in more. It still isn't long enough for barrettes or pony tails, but there are some curls starting to show up which makes me happy. We had to lower her crib mattress last weekend. I came in one morning to her leaning her head over looking at a way to get out, so down went the mattress. I remember my mom telling me that she didn't catch me in time, and came in after I had already fallen out. Didn't want that scenario to play out with Mallory.

While she's been saying "momma" for quite some time now, I definitely count it as her first word because she totally knows that I'm momma. I love when she says it and then buries her face into my lap or neck. She is a total cuddle bug. LOVE it! She knows other words but doesn't associate them with anything in particular. Sometimes instead of talking she'll grunt which is pure comical. Especially when I ask her a question and her reply to me is a grunt.

Next up on big girl Mallory's plate is her first road trip to Mamaw's house this weekend. Though it's only a two-hour drive, I'm doing it alone and I'd rather not have to stop a million times because she gets fussy in the backseat all by herself. I'm going to time it to be in the car during nap time so we'll see how that goes. It will also be her first time sleeping somewhere other than home. A test run to see how she does for when we are in Hawaii next month.

Our little girl is getting so big....we are thoroughly enjoying her at this stage in her life and it only continues to be more fun as we go. This ten month birthday also reminds me of something else that I need to start preparing for - her first birthday!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

Mallory has been taking more steps on her own lately and we're trying to capture it on video to share. For now, she loves for you to give her a couple of your fingers for her to lead you around. Jody got a good video of it. All this practice makes perfect and it will only be a matter of weeks now before she's doing it on her own.