Mkay. So I realize that I have a little bit of catching up to do, and I apologize (mother) for not updating the blog with more pictures. I really do have every intention of blogging once Mallory goes down around 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. but I've been getting side tracked a lot lately. I'm still adjusting to managing my time better now that I'm a mom, and figuring out shortcuts to get things done faster. I love stumbling across those shortcuts.
I'm a little
late to the party, and by party I mean Mallory's first birthday party, and by late I mean that I'm SUPER late at blogging about it. So, let's begin.
We had it the day before her actual birthday, which was a Sunday at a really cool park in Folsom. The weather was perfect that day; sunny, a little warm but not too hot. Mallory was in a great mood and happy as a clam. Swinging (her fav), following her buddies down the slide, chasing the balloons, stealing people's food, inquisitive when we were all singing "Happy Birthday" to her, shy about digging into her cake but still managing to get frosting all over her face and in her hair. Mallory had just the perfect first birthday party; the kind that I had envisioned in my mind. And considering that the day before her party I was sick with food poisoning of some sort, I was so happy with the way that her party turned out. She was spoiled with extra love, attention, and gifts that day enjoying every minute of it; and so was I!
Loved the way these turned out but I'll never make them again! |