I know that when it comes to my growing baby bump I will always think and feel that it's bigger than it really is to others. But when I've already heard 'congratulations' from total strangers that didn't already know I was pregnant from me telling them, it doesn't make me think that I'm hardly showing anymore. I can still fit into my pre-pregnancy pants which makes me feel good, though it's starting to border on really uncomfortable. I've pulled out some of my old maternity clothes and while they are indeed much more comfortable, they're still a little too big for me to fill in properly. My SIL even commented the other day that she thought I was wearing Jody's jeans. If only I could get away with wearing leggings and yoga pants every day.
13 weeks |
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Our family has some more changes coming our way that I'm really excited about. At the end of next week I will be trading in my
Conference Planner title for a new one:
Stay-at-Home Mommy. I'm not the only one that is happy with this change - Mallory too. I don't have anything negative to say about her daycare facility but when you can tell that your child doesn't care to be there, it makes you want to pull them out as soon as possible. So that's exactly what we're doing; her and I get to be buddies as we prepare to welcome baby #2 to soon fill our days with even more chaos. I can't wait to be involved in all the fun daytime activities that with a full-time job you're just not able to participate in. Obviously I'll need to be smart about what we do knowing that with the loss of my income comes a tighter budget, but I'm a pretty creative person so I'll get the hang of things. Just don't be surprised if I start asking you for your Sunday newspaper so I can start actively becoming a couponer. Though you'll never see me like those people on
Extreme Couponing because that's just a whole other level of craziness that I will never understand.