Thursday, January 12, 2012


Though I’ve been blogging now for over a year, I still consider myself to be at a novice level when it comes to knowing all of the cool tricks and features that blogging entails. If I had more time to devote to it I would love to learn all of those fun details; in time. So because I’m a little behind the knowledge curve, I just happened to come across my friend Gina’s post about being tagged and realized as I was reading it that I too was being tagged. How fun! Who doesn’t love to play games?! So here is how it works:

The Rules:
1.  You must post the rules.
2.  Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3.  Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 5 new questions for the people you tagged.
4.  Tag 5 people and link them on your post. Don’t forget to let them know you've tagged them!

12 Fun Facts About Me:
1.  I was never afraid to enter my 30’s and look forward to celebrating 31 this year. Each year has progressively become better so who cares about the number.
2.  I did track in high school and hated running. Over the past 10 years I have not only grown to love it, I can’t live without it.
3.  Our dining room table has never been used for what its true purpose is. Instead we eat standing up at the kitchen counter. It used to bother me but I’ve come to realize that it allows me to multi-task and that makes me okay with it.
4.  My husband makes me laugh more than anyone I’ve ever known. It’s awesome.
5.  I am a firm believer that God never gives us more than we can handle. It can sure be hard during those stormy times, but it’s amazing how strong we are if we just have faith.
6.  I would love to write a book one day. I don’t necessarily want it to be published; I just want to write one.
7.  I can't live without chapstick. Not the brand Chapstick®, just chapstick in general. The longest I’ve gone without it was a day and I thought my lips were going to fall off.
8.  I haven’t traveled to many places but by far my favorite place to go is New York. If I had my way, we would live there.
9.  I have a hard time chewing gum. Having the same flavor in my mouth for a long time makes me literally sick to my stomach. The same goes for cough drops.
10.  I had such an awful experience with pancakes as a kid that I will only eat ones that we cook at home. And even then I sometimes have trouble eating them.
11.  I play Solitaire on my old cell phone every night in bed before falling asleep. It’s the only reason I keep that cell phone around.
12.  I was thisclose to becoming a flight attendant with Southwest. I was hired and waiting for my training schedule when I received my acceptance letter to Sac State and decided to go back to school instead.

My Answers to Gina’s Questions:
1.  How did you meet the person who tagged you?
Gina and I went to high school together. Through the power of the Internet, we reconnected on Facebook and then became bloggers around the same time. I enjoy staying up to speed on her family and simply adore that little boy of hers!
2.  Favorite high school memory?
It's hard to remember the one that tops the rest so I'll put one that is at least in the Top Ten. Sophmore year in Mr. Sanchez's class, studying for each week's vocabulary tests. Guy, Lindsey, and I would play sharades in order to remember the words and their meanings. We had so much fun with it and to this day I will never forget what 'blasphamy' means.
3.  Favorite season?
Fall. I love the colors, the cooler weather, the fashion styles, the approaching holidays. And I especially love that it means Summer is over because I despise Summer. If I could redo our wedding, I would have picked a date during the Fall.
4.  Favorite reality show?
I would have to say that it's a toss-up between Top Chef and Project Runway. I enjoy watching both of them equally. I also really like Giuliana & Bill. I think they are such a loveable couple and I truly feel so bad for the struggles that she has been faced with.
5.  Favorite baby name (girl and boy)?
I have a lot that I like, but only a handful have made it to the "Baby Names" list that I keep on our computer. One of my favorites for a girl is Genevive, and Greyson for a boy.

Tagged Blogs:
1.  Positive Polly Posts
2.  A Crazy Beautiful
3.  Ted and Kim’s Blog
4.  The Hiscott's Journal
5.  Bluestocking

Questions for Those I’ve Tagged:
1.  What is one of your most beloved childhood memories?
2.  When was the last time you tried something new and how did it play out?
3.  What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?
4.  What is one thing you have not done yet that you really want to do?
5.  Which one of your responsibilities do you wish you could get rid of?

1 comment:

  1. Cool idea. Thanks for passing this on. I will repost it when I have a little time to answer the questions and think of 12 things about myself that I think would be interesting to share. By the way, I thought it was interesting that you were almost a Southwest Airlines flight attendant. I didn't know that. I'm sure I will post a few surprising things as well. Anxious to hear your response. I'll see if I can't get Kim to play as well.
