Monday, April 23, 2012

Where We Are

As of yesterday afternoon my mom, Mallory, and I arrived safely in Riverside. I will be working during the day at a conference until Wednesday while my mom and Mallory will be exploring the hotel/neighborhood and visiting with family. We're staying at the Mission Inn Hotel which is incredibly beautiful and I am enamored at all of the architectural details everywhere I turn. I'll share pictures of our stay here later on, but for now here is a painting of where we are:

Image credit to artist Paul Weerasekera


  1. Sounds like a lovely getaway with all the nice things to boot. Brings back memories of all the traveling that I did with FedEx and the nice hotels, etc. Good for you! Have fun with your mom and Mallory. Jim

  2. Looks like a wonderful place to work actually. Make believe you are on vacation and not working.
