Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Couple of Regulars

One of the first things that Mallory and I started doing when I became a SAHM was going over to our local library for story time. They host children's story time every Tuesday and Thursday which we have been taking advantage of almost every single week for the last couple of months. And it's really been paying off because Mallory has become enthralled with reading books now. Not just when we're at the library but at home, in the car, basically wherever there's a book-like item she can get her hands on. She'll even read you an owner's manual or marketing brochure if that's all that is around. And she always reads out loud in her adorable little girl voice. She has become very good at remembering what the story is about after you read it to her once, so all she has to do is look at the pictures and she's able to say the words almost exactly as they appear in the book. I love that she has turned into a little bookworm and thoroughly enjoy when she wants to read us stories all the time.


  1. Love it!!!! You two are doing a great job! Who m is the parent that taught her to sing? xo

  2. This is great, Jackie you are so blessed to experience this time in your life, what a Mom's dream. I have to thank God every day for your family and I am so in awe of Miss Mallory, what a beautiful character she is! Thank you for being a good Mommy, she will thank you too. Love you all
