Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun day filled with multiple costume changes depending on where we were going. First was Rapunzel for the library and dad's office:

Then for this evening's trick-or-treating around our neighborhood, we had Cinderella and a pumpkin:

It was a good time had by all and now we have WAY too much candy in this house. The trick is on us that we have to be good and not eat all of it!


  1. Super pics! Mallory is ready for the nearest Theater stage! She was SO pretty in all of her dresses and Nolan is special cute in his, what a smile! Hint: Boys/Girls clubs and Senior Centers take candy donations! Yes, I did do that Jackie, just a few pieces a day add up...

  2. How exciting it is for us to see such happy grand children. What a blessing it is!!!!! Great job parents! xo

  3. Such sweeties! We miss you all so much!!
