Monday, January 31, 2011
First Day of School
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Spoiled Little Girl
Coming to the End
I'm sure this change in our routine will become easier with each passing day but I'm really not looking forward to having to get used to it. Maternity leave has been so nice and I'm grateful for the time that I was able to spend with my little girl. She has definitely made my life more meaningful. Hopefully I won't miss too many of her firsts and she'll save them for Jody and I when we're at home instead of showing off to the teachers at her daycare. My maternity leave may be coming to an end but it's also a sign of new adventures to come. New milestones to experience, new friends to make, and new memories to create.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Spread the News, I'm in Business
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Caught It
They Came
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Feeling Like My Age
Though I'm not afraid to get older, I don't particularly enjoy when a situation leaves me feeling like my age. Saturday night was a good example of such a situation. One of my best friends flew in to town on Friday and we made plans to hang out Saturday for some quality girl time. We were going out that night so of course we needed to go shopping to try and find something new to wear. Drove down the street to the Folsom Outlets and set out on mission to find this new mom - who hasn't been to a club in over a year - something sexy. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful, but luckily Annie came prepared with extra outfits so I was able to mix some of my things with hers to create a cute little number. After dinner we realized that we still had another three hours to kill before leaving for downtown, knowing that if we didn't stay busy during those three hours we would most likely lose our steam and end up not going out. That was the first sign of feeling like my age. When I was in my young-twenties I had so much energy that figuring out what to do while waiting to go out wasn't even a concern. Now, not so much. Fortunately the other girls we were going out with invited us over to their place so we didn't have to worry about losing our going out energy.
By the time we got to the club the line was somewhat long yet surprisingly we got through it fairly quickly. This was the first time I had been to this particular club - MIX - and based on feedback from others my expectations were that it was going to be good. Once inside, not only did I feel like a sardine as we made our way through the crowd, it was the second sign of feeling like my age. Having barely any space to even stand never used to bother me. Now, not so much. I found myself constantly trying to move just to be able to have some personal space and when we migrated to the dance floor it was even worse. I don't think I would have minded so much had the DJ been playing good music. He started out good but quickly turned bad when he started playing songs that were popular in high school that should be kept in that decade.
I quickly went from being excited to be out with my girl friends for the first time in a really long time, to wanting to be curled up in my nice comfy bed getting as much sleep as possible before Mallory woke up. On a good night 12:30am means I've been asleep for at least two hours already. Never before in my life before becoming a mom had I analyzed my time comparing it to how much sleep I could be getting instead. I found myself looking at the crowd of club goers and feeling like I didn't quite belong anymore. Geesh, when did I become such a critic?! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to dance to good music that is way too loud with my friends, but the club scene is totally different to me now. It's just not the nearly as fun as it used to be and I know that it's because I'm getting older.
We stayed at the club until 1:00am and finally gave in to the sleepiness and aching feet beckoning us to go home. Looking back to my early college days I remember sometimes not even getting home from a night out with friends until 4:00am. Wow have things changed. Overall I had a great night out for the first time since becoming a mom, and I'm thankful for my husband for staying in with Mallory so I could do so. Luckily for him, she went down for bed not too long after Annie and I left the house, and she didn't wake me up until 6:00am. Definitely not enough sleep for me, but more than I was expecting. Thank you little girl.
The biggest sign of feeling like my age that my Saturday night out showed me was when I got up the next morning. I only had a few drinks throughout the night so I didn't have a hangover from alcohol - thank God - but I did have a hangover from lack of sleep which isn't fun either. My head ached, which I contribute more towards hitting the back of my head on a box of lights that were conveniently covered by the pillows in the booth we were sitting in at the club. My feet were sore from the awesome boots that I wore even though I knew they wouldn't be comfortable to dance in. Definitely, definitely woke up feeling my age; booooo. Now it's got me contemplating my 30th birthday trip to Vegas that I was so looking forward to this year. I'm not so sure I want to spend that much money on a trip that might not be as awesome as I have it pictured in my head. Maybe I should reconsider and do a trip a little more low-key that won't leave me feeling like my age so much. Like a trip to Napa for wine tasting and pampering...I could be okay with that...hmmmmm...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Serious Face
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Channeling Martha
One of the goals that I would like to achieve is somewhat simple yet good for the creative side of my brain. The goal: I will be channeling Martha; as in Martha Stewart. I've had a Martha Stewart Living magazine subscription now for almost two years. I absolutely love going through them, admiring the glossy pages filled with genius ideas. But most months after I look through the magazine a couple of times I just toss it in the bin that guests can flip through. Instead I would like to find at least one thing in that month's magazine to actually do. Whether it be a craft idea, a recipe, or an organizational tip. As long as it's something new that I've never done before.
I'm still trying to decide what I'll be doing out of the January edition. I've got it narrowed down to a few choices so I just need to make up my mind. I guess it's good when there's more than one thing that peaks my interest. I actually started this goal last month and made the Pinup Wreath with some of the holiday cards I received. I couldn't find really wide ribbon like the picture in the magazine but I was still happy with the outcome of my project and got some nice compliments on it. I may not be exactly like Ms. Stewart but I enjoy trying!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Three Months

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Make It Work

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Shame On Me