Sunday, April 7, 2013

Princess Mallory

Lately when I ask Mallory in the morning what she would like to wear for the day her response to me is, "Something princess." I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that she's currently obsessed with watching Sofia the First on the Disney channel. But I also think it's because she's starting to become more girly in general.

So when she mentioned to me this morning that she wanted to be a princess I decided to pull out her dress up clothes and let her actually wear princess attire. And of course once I put it on her I knew it wouldn't be coming off anytime soon. As a result we ran all of our errands today in princess gear; and boy did she get a lot of attention because of it. Fortunately she made me look good by remembering to say "thank you" to those that told her she looked very pretty in her dress. I had to beg her to take it off for nap time, and as soon as she woke up she wanted to put it right back on. Especially because we were going over to Uncle and Auntie's house for dinner so she just had to show it off for them.


  1. We had so much fun last night! She is a beautiful princess who can beat the tare off the men in our family, when it comes to wrestling! xo

  2. So cute! What a personality Mallory has, every day something new, being a Mommy is so cool, huh? Love it
