Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Water Park Merriment

Folsom has a smaller water park feature at John Kemp Community Park that I figured Mallory would like better than the crazy water features at the Aquatic Center, so after my run this morning we headed over there to try and beat the heat. The sprays aren't nearly as intense and there are no buckets of water dropping from above for her to be so scared of. She was interested as soon as we got there but still wanted to just watch from a distance at first. Then with a little luring on my part, she slowly got involved until she was completely in and I couldn't pull her out. Now that I know she likes it so much, we'll definitely be going back and might even try the bigger water park in El Dorado Hills.

1 comment:

  1. I wish they had one of these for adults. Yesterday, I was actually thinking about turning on the sprinkler and running through it like when we were kids. The next time you think about going to water park in El Dorado Hills, let us know. We'll join you if you want company. (I didn't check with Kim but I'm sure she would agree with me).
