Sunday, April 20, 2014

Nolan: Eight Months

He may already be eight months old and hitting milestones way too early for my liking, but he's also still my little man who loves to cuddle and be held as much as possible. I'm soaking it in because I know this baby phase won't last forever; I'm already seeing signs pointing to his desire for more independence. And while I am totally okay with that (because let's be honest, I like my independence too) there are things about infant-Nolan that I will definitely miss. He's been an awesome baby and I'm so thankful. Not saying it hasn't been hard at times - in fact, this past month wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Teething is hard on everyone. The first tooth is out and the next one is on it's way though so maybe the crabby moments will start to die down.

Nolan has completely mastered crawling and even has different forms depending on the material he is being subjected to crawl on. He is very quick and at times reminds me of a spider. And although he seems perfectly fine with crawling to get around, he constantly reminds me that he has a big sister to keep up with. Which means he's now already standing and cruising with ease. Mallory was ten months when she learned to walk; let's see if Nolan will beat her record. I'm not in a hurry for it to happen so I'm not pushing him to practice but apparently this kid was born with his own high standards to achieve.

He fully knows his name and also seems to understand when you're telling him not to do something. Most times after I tell him 'no' he gives me a smirk and goes right back to doing it - occasionally he'll even laugh at me, the little booger. It's cute and makes it hard when I'm trying to be serious and all I can do is laugh with him. His personality and charm only continue to shine as he grows into his own, and I can't help but fall more in love with him with each step.


  1. Thank you for the great pictures Jac. I have figured out how to have them now and are filling the grand kiddo auto frame. We enjoy watching all the pictures of the grandbabies.xo

  2. Sometimes you just wanna capture them in a bubble forever, SO cute he is...congrats Nolan, such a big guy! xoxo
