Sunday, July 3, 2011

She's Crawling...

...but she sure doesn't seem to be happy about it!


  1. Poor baby girl! She just hasn't been on her tummy enough to develop the comfort of supporting her body yet...she will toughen up with practice. Show the doctor this video on Thursday and make him smile Jackie..sooo cute!
    Love, Mamaw

  2. I noticed that she stops crying and looks at mama to make sure mama is watching! I remember Jody was very sensitive to materials on his skin. He was uncomfortable if his clothes or shoes and even socks did not feel comfortable, in that area , he was high matinance! I wonder if she does not like the feeling of the carpet on her knees? She will love crawling and getting around! She is so sweet! Love you all! xo

  3. She's not happy because you keep moving back when she gets close!

  4. so stink'n cute how up set she is with crawling, can't help but giggle :)
