Monday, August 29, 2011

Seeing Spots

Yesterday afternoon we noticed that Mallory had what looked to be a rash developing on her bottom and upper legs. It was pretty mild and we wrote it off as either a diaper rash or heat rash, considering we've been having some hot weather lately. However, this morning when I woke her up it was everywhere. Her head, her arms, her bottom, her legs, her feet. Everywhere. For a minute I thought I was seeing spots, as if though I had those trick glasses on. I couldn't believe they had multiplied that quickly.

This next sentence will probably have some parents shaking their heads at me, but don't judge because I'm pretty sure every parent can say they've done this at least once in desperation. I still took her to daycare this morning. (Wince). I had to at least go in for a couple hours to bust out a few things at work because I have quite a bit on my plate right now. I also didn't notice a big change to her persona, she didn't have a temperature, and she downed her morning feeding like a champ. So to me I still believed it wasn't that serious; hives or maybe an allergic reaction to something she came in contact with.

So obviously daycare called me a few hours later and reprimanded me to come a get my child. Shoot. But at least I got to check off a couple things on my work to-do list. Back to home we went with a doctor's appointment later to confirm that she indeed has Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Luckily it's more annoying than painful for her, but unfortunately there is no cure so we have to just let it run it's course. According to the doctor, that means she's at home all week. Geesh. Being a working parent can be really hard in times like these. I think what irritates me the most is that she got this virus from daycare - there was another kid that had it a week ago and here we are with our own case. I know that when you have children in daycare they're going to be surrounded by germs constantly, but it doesn't make me accept it with open arms.

As soon as I heard the verdict from the doctor I got on the phone and started finding people to help act as babysitter. Jody's pulling daddy daycare tomorrow, mom is doing Wednesday and Thursday, and I've got Friday. Silver lining in the situation: at least she's getting this virus out of the way for Hawaii in a few weeks. In the meantime, our poor little girl looks miserable so we're giving her some extra TLC.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I sure wish Nama could just fly down and cuddle her up! I have never heard of this skin thing? They say that is contracted by others? Boy is looks like heat rash to me! When Jody was young, he had heat rash a lot! Love you 3! Things like this always come at you when you really don't have the time or money!!!! Extra Prayers a comm'n your way! xo
