Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We're off to Hawaii - specifically Maui - tomorrow morning. Though the past two days have been pretty stressful and I'm anxious to fly with Mallory and ALL her gear for the first time, I am VERY much looking forward to getting there. I am in dire need of a mini-vacation. The real reason we're going though is to celebrate the wedding of my brother-in-law Jeff and Sara. It's going to be a gorgeous wedding I'm sure and I know the bride will be stunning as well. It's going to be a memory that we'll all cherish for a long time to come. Aloha!


  1. Aloha to all 3 of you...cute with Mallory walking away, on her way to Maui. God Bless all over there, praying everything goes great and blessings to Jeff and Sara. Have fun & relax!Love, Mom & Tom

  2. We've got everything scoped out for you. The condo we are staying at is better than we thought but it is quite a distance from where Jeff and Sara are staying - a slight miscalculation on my part. You guys are going to love it here. Can't wait to see you today.
