Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lesson Learned the Hard Way

Sometimes I forget that Mallory is only 21-months old and isn't able to comprehend when things are breakable. Case in point, my iPod Touch now has a shattered screen. It still works but I know it won't be long until little screen fragments start falling out and I will no longer be able to use it. Insert sad face here. But as Jody pointed out, I can only blame myself for letting her play with it. And while I do agree with him, I blame monster a little bit for the way that she broke it. She got upset when I took my cell phone away from her and in her fury decided to throw the iPod on the ground - it's all or nothing with Mallory I guess. Lesson learned the hard way for me this time. The budgeted-side of me is still trying to figure out a way to tape or glue the screen so pieces don't continue to fall out - superglue fixes everything, right?!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like all tech devices need to go the way of the remotes! She needs toy techs at this point, maybe some tape across the screen will give it another week or so? Love you, Mom
