Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Forgotten One

He was technically our first child; we got him Summer 2009. We specifically picked him out from the others in his litter of five. He was the perfect new addition to our life and we loved him. And then came Mallory. He quickly became second fiddle to the newest addition to our family. But he's been such a gentleman about it. He cares about her and protects her; he plays with her and kisses her. He lets her hit him and pull on his tail. And during the moments when he's the forgotten one because Mallory is in the limelight, he sits back and waits. There's a reason why they call them man's best friend; he's unconditionally loyal.

His birthday is this month. He'll be three. And because I already know work will be rather busy this month and I will most likely forget the day of his actual birthday:



  1. We love you Leo Buds! Happy Birthday Buddy! Maybe mom and dad can look the other way and Auntie can bring you a soup bone for your Birthday cake? xo

  2. I like the last picture the best... basking in the sun. It's a dog's life. Poor Leo Buds (soybean I like to call him) playing second fiddle reminds me of the movie "Lady And The Tramp". The reason I love dogs is because they are so loyal and unconditionally loving.

  3. I see Leo as the perfect selection for your family,mild mannered gentleman that he is...exactly what Mallory needs. His gentle spirit does cause him to seem "needy" but my experience with gentle dogs is that they will flex and become what you need them to be, that is the nature of dogs, they serve their master. They are perfect teachers of unconditional love. Hopefully, Mallory won't be too hard on him! She will be old enough to help feed him, etc., before you know it. Love, Mom

  4. Jackie, I also meant to say how proud I am of you, these pics & the story show what a big heart you have and your care & concern for Leo, despite the pressures of your daily responsibilities, touches my heart...I love you daughter more than you know! Happy B-Day Leo. I love you, Mom

  5. He is crazy, but he is also loyal, loving and neurotic. So what I am saying is he is a perfect Jenkins. Happy Birthday big boy!
