Thursday, December 13, 2012

Finally Paid Off

Well, all those days when I was pregnant with Mallory and would eat multiple cans of green beans to satisfy the only craving I had hoping that my love for vegetables would relay over to my little girl have finally paid off. She will now eat an entire can of green beans to herself without hesitation. Hallelujah, she really is my daughter! I have auntie Jamie to thank for her new found love; while we were away in Hawaii, Jamie got her to eat them by telling her they were one of Kaylee's favorites. I'm going to be sad when the day comes that Mallory no longer buys into our little games!

On another note, I decided to take the plunge into paying a very nominal monthly fee to be able to keep the blog up and running. So now I am able to post photos again - time to catch up on some Maui adventures.


  1. Mallory has grown so big! Her face has changed again. You can see that Mallory is growing into that stage, leaving the baby face behind and becoming a big girl!
    I agree with you mamas....... try using any tool that works while you can!! Miss Mallory Quinn is a smart may not have much time?
    On our way home tomorrow~ Loved our stay. Very grateful~

  2. Great job Jamie...Jackie, you better work on Mallory in whatever area you need fast..she's a smart one! I bet a few dinners with Kaylee and you can have her eating alot of good stuff? Peer pressure can be worked to Mom's advantage! Love, Mamaw
