Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pregnancy Cravings

One of the questions that I have gotten a lot since being pregnant is, "What kind of pregnancy cravings do you have?" My reply has always been very boring as I don't really have any at all. There's a part of me that is kind of bummed because you always hear stories from others that have these crazy cravings all of the time. However, maybe it's a good thing because a lot of times it's a craving for something that might not be the healthiest thing to be eating all of the time. When my mom was pregnant with me her craving was Oreo cookies; she said she could eat a whole package to herself. I'm definitely glad I don't have to worry about that because I already feel guilty when I indulge in sweets more than once a day.

In my first trimester I had morning sickness so bad that it wasn't a matter of what I was craving, it was a matter of trying to find something that I could keep down. I was able to find that the macaroni and cheese at Jack's was enjoyable for me during that period and though I wouldn't eat it all of the time, I ate it more often than I ever have before in my life. After the first trimester and morning sickness passed, I noticed that answering the pregnancy cravings question started making me question whether I would ever get to experience a certain craving.

Well, now I'm just shy of my 8 month mark and I finally realized today that I do have a pregnancy craving and have had it for awhile; canned green beans. And they have to be the Del Monte cut green beans. I love them and eat them almost every day. And when I don't have a chance to eat them, I think about them and wish that I had a can. I guess the reason why I never thought that this was a craving up until now is because I've always been a big vegetable fan and eat something in the vegetable family every day like the Food Pyramid says to. But this Del Monte green bean addiction is definitely a craving since becoming pregnant and I can't get enough of them. Weird pregnancy craving but that's the way it should be!

1 comment:

  1. I had cravings so strong once in the middle of the night! Bologna sandwiches with mao on wht bread! I was in my 8 month too! I drove to the market and sat there eat one sandwich after another! I chould not eat another bologna after that night! xo
