Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Weekend Away

Sasha's hubby was out of town this past weekend for a hunting trip, so the kids and I moved in for an extended sleepover to keep Sasha company and get some extra Auntie-time in. We got to go at our own pace the whole weekend - or should I say the kids' pace - with plenty of time to relax, play, and just take it easy. Both kids slept well which meant even I got to catch up on some of the continuous sleep that I never get anymore; it was a grand feeling for sure. Maybe I need to get away more often if it means that the kids will let me sleep!


  1. Good to hear that you girls had some girl time and also good sleep. Love the picture of Nolan at the bottom! Sweet smile! xo

  2. The girls look so cute with their hair up, fun time for all...Nolan is snuggled in his blanket so cute and what a smile that last pic shows! Mr. Charmer with his eyes sparkling, and everyone got some good sleep...great weekend! Sure gonna miss being there at Thanksgiving with all of you. Great Grandma is doing pretty good, still at the hospital though. Love you
