Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Barbie Ferrari

I never thought I would get so excited over a stroller until I discovered the BOB. Though, I'm thinking that if I weren't an avid runner I might not be as elated. Regardless, I am super stoked about Mallory's stroller and can't wait to use it. It's extremely lightweight, maneuvers in tight spaces with ease, and folds up with two simple steps. When you're juggling a bunch of different things at once these features are important to any mom. Additionally, the wheels go from road to rugged terrain and it's built to last forever. And no, I'm not being paid to promote the BOB brand, I'm just enamored by this stroller.

I'm also proud of the fact that I put it together on my own and when we went to REI to make sure I did it correctly, I got a seal of approval. The car seat adapter is key for now as she'll be too small to ride in it solo for awhile. Of course when picking out my car seat I made sure to pick one that would match the stroller because I'm weird like that. When I put the whole thing together last weekend Jody looked at it and said, "It's like a real life Barbie Ferrari." I would have to agree with him; she's gonna be riding in style for sure. In fact, her ride is better than mine; hmmmm...I might have to do something about that...!

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