Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Haunted Toy

So here it is. The haunted toy. I don't know what you would technically call it because it was a gift out of the wrapper, but I think it's supposed to be a high chair toy. Something to take when you're going out to eat at a restaurant to stick on the table so baby stays entertained for a bit. Honestly, I like the idea of this toy. And Mallory seems to be taking a liking to it. It moves, has bright colors, and the ladybug plays music. However, I no longer like this toy anymore. In fact, it freaks me out; seriously.

It will randomly start playing music out of nowhere, which wouldn't be so weird except for the fact that in order for it to play music the toy requires you to spin it. And during those unexpected music playing moments, there's no spinning of the toy going on. It wasn't so bad at first, but then all of the sudden it's been doing it late at night. And when you're upstairs sleeping and you can hear this music going off on a toy that is downstairs and needs someone or something to spin it in order for it to work, it kinda freaks you out.

After this happening to me a few times now, I decided that the toy needed to have its vocal cords removed. At first I was going to just throw it away but I don't want to because like I said earlier, I like the idea of this toy. Unfortunately there isn't an on/off switch that I can easily solve this problem with. I found tiny - and when I say tiny I mean really tiny - screw holes that looked to be holding the cover to where a small battery would be. I tried every screwdriver we had in the house and none were small enough. I even tried the screwdriver from a glasses kit and had no luck.

And then I came up with an idea. The hammer. Insert evil grin here. I don't know why, but I love breaking things. I even get enjoyment out of giving bushes a roundhouse kick just because they are hanging over into my walking path. Yes I know, I'm weird. So give me a hammer and something to smash and I'm a happy kid. The only drawback was that I couldn't go crazy with my hammering because I didn't want it to burst into a million pieces. I just wanted to break the battery. It surprisingly took me a little while to kill the damn thing but I accomplished it. The ladybug now has a few scars but it doesn't look too bad. I'm now back to liking this toy again. But I swear, if I ever hear it play music again I will for sure throw this possessed thing away. And not even in my garbage can, some other person's that doesn't live anywhere near me.

1 comment:

  1. That would be very scary indeed if I heard a toy going off by it's self in the middle of the night! Glad you had something to hit!!! We all need to get out the extra energy inside us! Loved having Burbles Yesterday, thank you! I'm glad to hear Jody feels better today. I miss that little Sunshine! Love you all! xo
