Friday, June 10, 2011

Eight Months

Here we are. Another month has gone by and Mallory is now eight months old. She's getting bigger, smarter, and stronger; developing more personality, character, and attitude. I was told by her teacher at daycare that if she's sitting next to this one little boy Nathan, she gets mad and throws a fit until they move her - as if though she is disgusted by him. Not sure where she got that attitude from....(me!).

She's getting better at standing by herself using toys and furniture for support. And even though she's thisclose to crawling, she still gives up too quickly. She has a new crush; this time on Moose A. Moose from Nick Jr. If she hears his voice she will ignore everything and everyone around her to pay attention to him. After a brief stint with only speaking with d's and b's, Mallory is back to saying m's which means 'mama' comes from her mouth constantly. I still won't count it as her first word until she associates it with me, but I'm sure she'll get it soon. Her bottom teeth that sprouted last month are getting bigger and with the way she's been acting lately, we think the top teeth will make an appearance soon.

Loves to be outside playing and exploring. Without hesitation she'll put grass, leaves, or twigs straight into her mouth. She won't try to eat them, just wants to taste it I guess. And speaking of taste, she is starting to develop dislikes when it comes to baby food. Not too long ago she would eat anything you gave her; now she's more picky. Unfortunately it's all green veggies. So now I hide them in her rice cereal and cover that up with a food that she does like. Her favorite by far right now is bananas which isn't surprising since bananas have a lot of sugar.

She has become very grabby, especially with glasses. When you're holding her close and she locks eyes with the glasses, she will relentlessly reach for them until you either give up and let her have them, or put her down so she can't get to them. She has this same determination when it comes to wanting to stand during bath time. What she doesn't understand is that she's just not quite there yet and it's too slippery for her to get a good grip with her feet. I'll balance her in between my legs but she always tries to make a break for independence. That desire for independence got her into a situation last week where she fell and nicked her head on the linen cabinet. Bumps and bruises are becoming more and more inevitable now. And of course she wants you to cuddle her and show her extra love when she does get a boo-boo. We are so in love with this little cuddle bug of ours!


  1. Don't you hate it when parents say" What goes around comes around"! I sure did when I was raising my family!!!!

    Our Miss Mallory is a mini Jac! Of course this the best of compliments!

    Counting down the days to hold and play with Blurbles!!!! Love you all very much!

  2. Oops..Jackie, you were a HANDFUL as a toddler, you better get that house baby-proofed fast and lower that mattress! This girl is something to be reckoned with and you won't need the gym for awhile when she kicks into full throttle! Healthy babies are a blessing...Love, Mamaw

  3. Happy FIRST Fathers Day son! Mallory has a loving and wonderful daddy! Have a fun and relaxing day son! Love you 3! xo

  4. reference to little Nathan at her school, do you remember what you did to Leslie's hair Jackie?! Love, Mom
