Sunday, June 5, 2011


Mallory has a teething ring that vibrates when you either squeeze one of the circles or chomp down on one. She will sometimes be able to turn it on by herself, but still hasn't quite figured out how it happens. You have to squeeze it pretty hard so at first we'll push it for her to get her interested. Now when it doesn't vibrate for her she makes her own buzzing sound to compensate; it's adorable!


  1. Hey Sugar Bear, you're a natural for the harmonica! How cute is this?! Love, Mamaw

  2. How smart is she! Laugh my heart out! xxxooo

  3. Papa Tom is laughing with me this morning while we watch, Mallory is a smarty pants! XOXOXO, Mamaw

  4. Wow! How fun they are at this age. And each age brings more and more interesting and fun things. It's amazing how much they are capable of understanding at this age. She'll be talking before you know it.

  5. My husband Kurt and I were laughing at how cute that was, what a little smarty :)
