Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dora Plate

It's no secret that Mallory is a Nick Jr. kid. Her current favorites are The Fresh Beat Band; Yo Gabba Gabba!; The Upside Down Show; Go, Diego, Go!; and Dora the Explorer. When one of these shows come on, Mallory gets so excited; most times loudly proclaiming her elation with a big "YAY!" and sometimes then followed by the flailing of her arms. When she gets the arms going, you know she's PUMPED. Now we just need to teach her to run while she's doing this and she'll be like the kid from Home Alone.

My mom was in town on Friday/Saturday, and us girls went shopping at Target of course. Mallory scored a gift from Mamaw: a cool Dora plate. I didn't show Mallory who was on the plate before dishing her lunch of veggie soup, so after a few bites she started to recognize the image. "DOH-DOH!" I was able to get a little bit of her saying Dora's name on video, but she was a little preoccupied with a certain show.


  1. Wow... she is growing so fast. Can't wait to see her next week. I hope she won't be too scared of me.

  2. How cute she is...such a small purchase makes an impression. Life is so simple right now for her, wish it could stay so innocent and fun. I am so grateful to spend time with you Mallory!I love those snuggles! XOXO Mamaw
