Monday, July 1, 2013

32 Weeks

Not much new to report on the pregnancy front. I have noticed that the linea nigra that I got with Mallory is back. It isn't as prominent at the moment but I imagine that it will get darker as time goes on. I read that being out in the sun can make it appear darker yet that doesn't seem to be my case, and with all this awful hot weather that we've been experiencing we've been out in the pool almost every day. I've also been known to sit in Mallory's wading pool in the sideyard while she takes her nap to get my white skin a little more color. Luckily I've steered clear of any sunburns and I plan to keep it that way - being pregnant is already uncomfortable enough without having to deal with a bad sunburn.

This heatwave has definitely affected me more than heat usually does, especially when it comes to running. The only chance I have to squeeze one in is first thing in the morning - like before 8am. And even then it's already pretty warm and the air is stale making it hard to breathe. When I was pregnant with Mal I ran up until 37 weeks and I was going to try and do the same this time. But if the heat continues like it has I'm not sure I'll be able to make it. I start to feel sick to my stomach almost immediately after I'm done and then I feel icky for a good while afterwards. I might need to resort to using the treadmill at the gym even though I dislike it because I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel, but it's better than nothing I guess.

Nolan is no longer breach and has been taking advantage of kicking me in the ribs more often. He still moves and stretches his body parts around more than kicking and flailing but it doesn't hurt any less. My belly is hard as a rock so when he stretches out like he does, it feels like my stomach is going to burst. But I still love to feel his little body move by when I have my hands on my bare skin as I try to make out which body part it is. Sometimes if I tap on my belly with my fingers he'll play along and push back; it's like a little game we play with each other. And I'm pretty sure he likes books already because when I read to Mallory at night he moves around the whole time I'm reading to her. When I sing too; or maybe that's his way of trying to get me to stop singing!

Riding low

1 comment:

  1. You look so good, Jackie! I have known 2 friends who gave birth in August and they both sat in the pool for the summer! I bet Nolan likes it too, must be very warm in there, he is practicing his soccer moves while he waits...see you Thursday. XOXO
