Tuesday, August 13, 2013

38 Weeks

Okay, so I know I've said multiple times before that I'm in no hurry for baby Nolan to come - and I still don't want to go into labor early - but I am changing my mind in the sense that I just want August 20 to be here already. In the last few days my uncomfortableness and pain has only increased, along with some other unwanted developments, and it's making each day that I have to wait for Nolan's arrival much harder. Thankfully I only have one more week to go, though I feel like this last week is going to go slower than I'd like it to.

I had my last prenatal check up this morning and met the doctor that will be delivering me at the hospital next week. I really like her and was impressed with how personable she was; very informative and answered all my questions with full explanations. I didn't feel like she was rushed to get out of the room with me to move along about her day which I very much appreciated. She confirmed that I should in fact make it to next Tuesday without going into labor early as Nolan is still sitting quite high and I have no signs of dilation.

The latest and most annoying occurrence that has surfaced within the last week: insomnia. As if my body wasn't already tired enough from being pregnant. When it first started it seemed like I would only have to deal with it every other night. But lately it's been every single night. I'll usually fall asleep pretty easy but then only get a couple hours of sleep before I wake up, and then going back to sleep has proven to be unsuccessful. Most times I'll lie there hoping and wishing if I stay still long enough I'll just eventually fall back to sleep, but it has yet to work. And then of course because I'm awake I'll eventually become super hungry around 3am. Sometimes I can ignore it but most times it really starts to hurt, so I'll give in to a mini bagel as it's the perfect size to satisfy my hunger pains. And unfortunately I haven't been able to make up any sleep during Mallory's nap time because she's been refusing to take naps for longer than an hour. It's been an uphill battle in more ways than one when it comes to sleeping lately; a sign of what's to come I guess.

My every now and then swollen feet have pretty much become perma-puffy feet. I really dislike it, not just because they look terrible but also because it feels so weird and makes me itchy. At times I can actually feel the fluid jiggle when I walk and I want so badly to take a needle and poke my feet to get it out - if only it were that easy. I was able to get one more pedicure last Friday with my girlfriend Heather which I thoroughly enjoyed. And of course I had to get blue nail polish in honor of baby Nolan. I don't think he'll notice but it's the thought that counts.

I'm pretty sure that my belly is done growing. I've maintained a weight gain of 26 pounds for the past couple of weeks and have noticed recently that the number on the scale is starting to creep down. It's getting to be tight quarters in there for Nolan and when he stretches and moves it can be somewhat painful for me. Sometimes the way he pushes his shoulders against me makes me wonder if he's feeling too crowded and wants the heck out; I know I would. Only seven more days until we get to meet this baby boy!

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