Monday, August 5, 2013

Full Term

Though I look like I could give birth at any moment with this gargantuous belly of mine, I still have two weeks left until Nolan is scheduled to be delivered. I've been making 'to-do lists' like crazy trying to squeeze in as much as possible before I'm tied down to this little boy's every need. I also have to make those lists because if I don't write things down, I will literally forget my thought or idea a few minutes later. I have been suffering from the worst 'pregnancy brain' lately and it's gotten me into some trouble already. I've lost my keys, two pairs of sunglasses (one of them being my prescription pair, dang it), the shells that we collected on our last trip to Maui that I was going to use as decor - and these are just the things that I can remember at the moment. Mainly because they're the most important things that I've lost and after scouring every inch of my house (inside and out) I still cannot find any of them. It's been awful. The only reason I think I even remember what might be going on each day of the week is because I look at my calendar for reference every day. So if you're waiting on something from me, I apologize in advance for the fact that you'll likely have to remind me about it. Oh, and don't give me anything of value right now because I'll probably misplace it and never find it again.

On a good note I still feel like my normal, active self. Still experience bouts of morning sickness but what's new. Even though I put my running routine on hold, I can't help but continue to jog. I haven't had any pain like I experienced that time I went running a couple of weeks ago, so I feel good about it. Call me crazy that I'm even jogging this far (and big) into my pregnancy, but I swear it's helped me to feel as good as I do. I have also noticed that on the mornings that I get a jog in my feet don't swell as much so that's a plus too.

Now that Nolan's room is done (which I'll be sharing in a post tomorrow), I've been focusing on getting ready for the hospital stay. I've got my suitcase out that I'm adding items to as I can, though a lot of the items on my 'hospital bag list' I can't pack away yet because I still use them daily. And I'm not about to go spend even more money just to have two of everything; maybe if I weren't having a scheduled delivery I'd feel differently. I took care of our co-pay and pre-admission tasks today so that's out of the way. Now we just have to show up. I'm starting to get a little nervous about becoming a mom of two, but I'm confident that will go away as soon as I look into Nolan's eyes. I'll never forget that feeling of seeing and holding your baby for the first time and experiencing that sense of love and adoration for them. It's a crazy ride but oh so worth it.

1 comment:

  1. You have such a beautiful glow when you are pregnant Jackie, I am so proud of your journey with all of the morning sickness, memory issues,still taking care of are a trooper and a wonderful Mommy...Nolan will love it! Pretty soon we will see this exciting Miracle #2!! Love you Critter
