Monday, August 19, 2013

39 Weeks - Last Belly Update

My last Nolan-belly update before he arrives tomorrow night. I went and finished up my blood work this morning in preparation for my c-section. We check into the hospital tomorrow evening at 6pm with a delivery time around 8:30pm. Obviously I would have preferred an earlier time, but the doctor that's delivering me only works nights. I'm also thinking that having it scheduled later might mean I'll get good sleep considering right after babies are born is usually when they sleep the most; I remember that's how it was with Mallory at least.

Nothing new to report for this week's update other than that I am completely ready to go. Hospital bag is packed - with the exception of my make up bag that I'll throw in when I'm done with it. I finished deep cleaning the house yesterday so that should hold me over for a bit. All errands and shopping have been ran, though I feel like we could already take another trip to the grocery store. Seriously, how does the food disappear so quickly?

When I woke up this morning my hips and legs were pretty sore from the pressure of this big belly. Perfect timing that I had an appointment this afternoon for a massage on my legs/feet, arms/hands. It was a very relaxing 30 minutes that of course went by way too quickly. Massages are one of those things that are never long enough. My puffy feet are thanking me for making the appointment and now I'm just trying to relax with my feet up as much as I can.

Though we don't have Nolan arriving until late tomorrow, I know that the day will still go by quickly. We're getting together with family for a nice big brunch as it will be my last meal that I'm allowed to have until after my surgery. I think fasting for eight hours will be the toughest part to the day, especially since that includes water too. I'll definitely need to remind myself constantly not to eat or drink. I'll be taking my laptop with me to the hospital in hopes that I can post pictures and blog while I'm there, but I'm not totally sure if I'll have internet access yet so we'll have to see. No matter what though, I'll post pictures of our little boy as soon as I'm able, so stay tuned!

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