My new running shoes came today and it was perfect timing because today was not a very good day so I was really looking forward to my run. Mallory had a 'tude today so I wasn't able to even make a dent in my to-do list. I tried to ignore it and keep going about my merry way in Marshall's but after trying everything I could to calm her down, I figured everyone else around me didn't need to listen to her screaming so we left and came home. I don't mind dealing with a cranky baby out in public but there's also a point where you just have to realize it's time to go home and today was one of those days. Unfortunately Marshall's was only the first stop on my to-do list so I felt like I got nothing done; fortunately I had a few shows on the DVR to watch since I was confined to my home.
During one of her naps I was able to do some Christmas decorating and run to the mailbox. When I opened our slot and saw the key to the bigger box when large packages come I got excited because I had a feeling it was my shoes. Sure enough. Put them on as soon as I got in the house and haven't taken them off yet. Went for a run when Jody got home to really test them out and they felt great; happy feet make for a good run.
I have those same shoes, no joke! Love them! Can only wear Nikes. Also Social Services let Mr. Man go today!!!!! We fly out this Sat. morning! Sarah and Dan finally are blessed with a family! xo