Sunday, December 4, 2011

Carson Ridge Evergreens

It's my FAVORITE time of the year: Christmas! From as far back as I can remember, I have always LOVED Christmas time. Pretty much the entire month of December. Seeing all the Christmas decor, hearing Christmas music, enjoying the smells, and partaking in Christmas activities automatically puts a kid-like smile on my face no matter what mood I'm in. Have I mentioned I absolutely LOVE Christmas?! This year of course is no different, and with Mallory's interest peaking in all the hustle and bustle that is Christmas, I think I might have found another reason to love it even more.

This past weekend was spent getting our house more Christmas-fied with the addition of our tree. In keeping with our tradition of finding the perfect tree, we made it a group trip up to the Apple Hill area, visiting Carson Ridge Evergreens Christmas Tree Farm. I think everyone had the same idea as it was very crowded, but with acres of trees to pick from there was plenty of space to spread out. When we veered off the path into the thick of the trees, Mallory started laughing from what I can only guess to be when the branches would brush up against her. She was so cute pointing and talking at everything around her. "What's this?" is her new favorite thing to say right now and she didn't hold back while we were on the hunt for our tree.

After scouring rows and rows of trees, Jody and I found a beautiful and HUGE white fir that we decided to claim as our own. In my opinion, the bigger the better when it comes to a Christmas tree; though I have to remind myself that our front room ceiling can only fit a 12-foot tree. The one we picked out was easily over that and even after trimming it down once, we had to chop off a bit more so I could fit the star. The biggest tree I've ever had for sure and I love it. The lights have been strung (with the help of another trip to the store to buy more) and it's ready for my finishing touch. This year my theme is silver, gold and white with all new ornaments that I got during the awesome after-Christmas sales last year. As soon as it's complete I'll post a picture. The hard part is going to be keeping Mallory from pulling everything off; she already has tried to take the lights down a million times!

Trees galore

Laughing at the trees

Cousin Kaylee "carrying" Mallory

Mallory wanted this one


  1. Beautiful family traditions for a loved little family. What a blessing to watch you enjoy the beauty of Christmas and all of the fixings Jackie...the love for the season has been truly passed on in full bloom! BTW...That is the same tree farm Sue & I went to the first year we moved up here. PS, I like "Mallory's tree", cute like her!Love, Mom

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time. Mallory is so big in that picture with Kaylee. She goes from Kaylee's head all the down to her knees. I like the picture with the "Charlie Brown" tree.
