Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chasing Mallory

Mallory LOVES to run now. If you give her space, she goes and goes and goes. It is so adorable to watch; she totally gets her hips into it and swings her arms side to side. Taking pictures of her is becoming harder.

I took Mallory with me to old town Folsom last week to browse a shop that has a TON of Christmas ornaments (can't remember the name for the life of me). There's a section in between shops with long hallways and she went CRAZY. I was chasing Mallory back and forth for a good 10 minutes before I finally had to pick her up just to get to the next street. Being a kid is fun!


  1. I love the pictures you take. We can count on you to give us a fresh supply to update our blog and Mallory's personality really comes out. She is such a hoot.

  2. Do you need Mamaw to buy her a long harness yet?!! She is so cute, kids are great tools to keep Mom's fit! I love the way she swings her arms when she is "on a mission", mind of her own that kid has for sure...Love, Mamaw

  3. By the way...that first shot looks like Mission Impossible scene. Mom

  4. Run Mallory run!!!!!!Be down for a visit a soon as I get out of Dr. jail. I would love to take her off your hands and let her run till she drops, or puts holes on the bottom of her shoes? :) xo
