Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas According to Mallory

We had a quiet, relaxing Christmas this year; just the three of us. All of the family members that we typically get together with were out of town and while it would have been nice to get out of town with them, this was the first time that I can recall not having somewhere to be or guests to entertain. As much as I love hosting and entertaining, I needed a little break so a peaceful Christmas was welcoming.

Though this wasn't Mallory's first Christmas, it was the first Christmas that she was old enough to be involved in the activities. She still didn't quite understand the concept of the presents and what to do with them, and was more intrigued by tearing the wrapping paper than the actual opening of the gift. But once we opened up the toys for her she was all in to it; especially her shopping car from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Sara. Then after her nap, she woke up to her Cupcake Kitchen and was having so much fun playing she ignored the fact that it was lunch time. Here is Christmas according to Mallory:

Christmas Eve present

Yanking her stocking down

Christmas morning cartoons

Intrigued by the paper

What's in here...


Shopping car


Happy, happy

Cuddling with Leo

Kitchen time

Honking the horn


  1. Fun kitchen. Faye liked playing with everyone else's toys but her own.

    We are in Loomis till after the new year, let me know if you want to get together for a play date.

  2. Wonderful pictures!! Hayden did the same thing. He would open a present but he was more entertained with everything else. Rya had that learning purse at Mallory's age. She loved it & still has it. I LOVE the picture of Mallory with her blankie. Sorry I haven't made the 2nd one yet. I'm so behind. Getting there though. :)

  3. Nice pictures. My favorite is the one where Mallory is cuddling with "soybean". Glad you guys had a good Christmas.

  4. Love this video and the picture are great! So happy you 3 got to have some good fam time! I favorite picture is of Mallory cuddling up with Leo Buds on HIS bed? Love you all!!!!! xo
