Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Meal

Mallory and I were on our way home this evening and I decided not to push my luck by waiting until we got there to feed her dinner, so I stopped off at McDonald's. I wasn't completely thrilled with the idea as I really don't like fast food period, but I figured it was better than listening to a total melt down for 20 minutes while stuck in the car. I know my daughter well enough to understand that 1: she's SERIOUS about her feeding schedule, and 2: she knows how to throw a MEAN tantrum now. (I got called again by her school today in regards to her temper tantrums. Whose kid is this?!)

Since this was her first happy meal and I plan to make sure her next one is far, far in the future, it was worth documenting the satisfied reaction on her face. She didn't scarf it down like I imagined she would, which I'm thinking is because she kept getting distracted by the TV right above us. She also kept giving flirty eyes to some of the workers that would walk by us and give her any sort of attention. I'm definitely sure that she favored the fries over the cheeseburger. And even with all of the junk food she had in front of her she still chose to eat at least one apple slice; maybe my healthiness is rubbing off to her already...ha!

The shape of the old container was better

Fries over cheeseburger

Hanging with mom

Such a big girl


  1. Happy meals are happy for the Mama! More issues with the kiddos at school? She is to young for the teachers to correct I guess? I don't remember that far back to remember what to do. Oh well, tomorrow is another day! xo

  2. Layla is sitting on my lap and said, "her came over to our house."

    What's worse than a happy meal? Happy Meal Leftovers! Scraps! We went there for lunch today and I didn't get one for Faye. Poor little sister! Sorry to keep you so late, dinner was ready around 6:30 in the Pope house, oh well.

  3. I love the picture of her with the fry sticking out of her mouth. She's so cute! Garyn & I aren't fans of fast food either but we do get the kids a happy meal once in awhile. We always get them chicken nuggets. Hayden swallows it whole I think. LoL. Mallory you're getting to be such a big girl! :)

