Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Before I recount our Memorial Day activities, it's important to first say, "THANK YOU!" to all of our past and present military. You and your families sacrifice a lot to keep our country free and safe, and we are forever grateful to you all.

This afternoon our family of three headed over to Cory and Sasha's house to enjoy the extra day off together for a yummy BBQ lunch. Of course Mallory was the shining star the whole time, keeping herself extremely busy exploring and getting into trouble. She is fully a toddler and is always, ALWAYS moving; using my body as a play structure, stealing Sasha's slushy, making funny faces, getting into the dog's water bowl, chasing the dog, escorting her baby doll around, climbing all over the swing, bubbles, and lots and lots of giggling. It was no surprise that she totally passed out on the way home. We had a wonderful Memorial Day and hope you all did as well!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you all had a wonderfulMemorial Day, including little Miss Busy Bumble Bee..she looks so pretty in yellow! Last pic tells it all.Mamaw smiles when she sees these happy you
