Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Midnight Ramblings

I knew I should've listened to the little voice in my head telling me it wasn't a good idea to be drinking that third cup of coffee at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It's not like I really needed the caffeine. It was more that I didn't want a perfectly good cup of coffee to go to waste. I felt bad for it - so I drank all 12-ounces of it. And now I'm paying for it because I just tried to force myself to go to sleep by laying down and closing my eyes, but all I could do was remember that little voice in my head from this afternoon. Only this time the voice was saying, "I told you so."

I don't blame the coffee entirely though - wait, did I just try to pass the blame off to the coffee? Let me rephrase that. I don't blame myself entirely though. I did find out this evening that I have to report to the courthouse tomorrow for jury duty, and while I'm all for fulfilling your civic duty and normally wouldn't have a problem going, there are two reasons why I'm not ecstatic about the timing of said civic duty. 1. I just finished a book and don't have another good one lined up - though I could download one tonight to the iPad...hmmm... 2. I have two events for work that start this Friday and pretty much go all the way through until June 13. So yeah, I have that stewing in my head. But I do like the idea about downloading a book - who doesn't love online shopping when you can't sleep!

Midnight ramblings can be fun. Especially when they're not caused by Mallory keeping me awake when I am actually tired. Speaking of Monster, I found these fun pictures that I thought I should share.

1 comment:

  1. What a great smile Mallory has, lights up her whole face! I've been there with the coffee, not fun...even dark chocolate can get me too late in the day. Sleep well tonight my little girl. Love Mom
