Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

To say this Mother's Day was 'good' would be an understatement. Because Mother's Day this year was so perfectly enjoyable for me not just as a mother/wife but also as a daughter. Yesterday we went on a family road trip - myself, Jody, Mallory, and Leo - up to my mom's house. We spent time playing outside (especially on the swings), soaking up the mild weather, exploring new territory, breaking Mamaw's decorations, and relaxing whenever Mallory would allow us to. Before heading back home to Folsom this afternoon, we all went to Billie Park for more playground time along with a picnic lunch. Mallory absolutely loves to be outside and took full advantage of the entire park; even making friends with a little girl and her yellow ball. I wasn't able to finish my mom's gift that I'm making in time for today, but she seemed okay with a card and some Ghirardelli Chocolate. What I'm making is pretty cool so I'll share about it when I'm done.

Upon returning home, Jody so graciously offered to wash my car which was in dire, dire need of a cleaning. And when I say 'wash' I actually mean 'detail' because he cleaned the entire car, inside and out. I love him. After Mal ate lunch we had mommy/daughter time and went perusing the neighborhood, ending up at the clubhouse pool where she wanted so badly to get in. Unfortunately the water is still pretty cold so we went back to the house and made our own heated pool with last summer's wading pool. The pictures that I took from our time in the pool are so fun and need a post all on their own - stay tuned for that. Jody cooked a delicious meal for dinner of hamburgers and artichokes, gave me a very sweet and touching card from both him and Mallory, and topped it off with yummy cupcakes from Cupcake Craving. Did I mention I love him? What an awesome Mother's Day!

Sorta like a kid-friendly hammock

Bumpy slide

Drum player like mom

Breaking things

Saying sorry to Mamaw for breaking things

Jumping and falling in the grass

Three generations

More swings

Chasing down the slide

Daddy kisses

Mommy kisses

New friends

Look at that, more swings

Growing up

Flowers for Mamaw

Time to zone

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