Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer Fruit

Although this is only the second summer Mallory has experienced, I think it's safe to say that summer fruit is by far her favorite. If we let her, she would eat nothing but fruit all day. And while we limit her intake so she doesn't have to learn the effects of too much fruit the hard way (which has already happened), it's so fun to see her face light up when she knows she gets to indulge in some fruit. I had fun the other night watching her steal the entire tub of cantaloupe that we were supposed to share. I would ask her for a piece and she would hold it out for me, but as soon as I went for it she would pull it away and quickly stuff it in her mouth; with a mischievous smile of course! 

1 comment:

  1. After reading this, I consider myself very loved..she shared her banana with me at breakfast! Fruit is SO good for her, she is healthy and a sweetie! Love, Mamaw
