Friday, January 17, 2014

This Guy

He is such a lovable thing. But not at night. At night he becomes my worst nightmare. The reason for the awful sleep deprivation that I have been experiencing for the past few weeks. He's been getting up almost every hour, requiring my attention of some sorts. He's also back to eating twice at night again. It's been rough to say the least. I loathe this part of infancy. I'm like any other person out there, who truly enjoys getting a good night's rest. So when I don't night after night after night with no known end in sight, it's no wonder people go crazy from lack of sleep.

The transition to his crib isn't going well either. He seems to like the Rock n Sleep or the guest bed better. Not enough to sleep continuously, but a bit better than when he's in the crib. However, he's almost falling out of the Rock n Sleep because he's getting too long for it so that option is quickly becoming extinct. And I don't like him in the bed because well, that means he's co-sleeping with me and that's something that I swore to myself I didn't want to do. I was able to stick to my rule with Mallory but I'll tell ya, with as tired as I am I'm willing to try whatever gets my kid to sleep.

This weekend I'm trying something else to see if it helps get this little man to sleep more. I'm no longer going to sleep in the bedroom with him and he's going to need to cry it out a bit more when he wakes up and it's not time to feed. My biggest concern with letting him cry is obviously waking up Mallory. Then I have both kids awake. But I won't know until I try and who knows, she might sleep through it anyway. I figure at this point I can't get any less sleep so it's worth a shot to see if things get better. One of these days this dude is going to surprise me and sleep through the night. For now though I would totally settle for letting me get at least a few hours of continuous sleep in. Just sayin.

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful smile he has! I think your idea is what is needed right now, leave him alone to work it out and turn up Mallory's sound machine a little. You must get some sleep soon, Jackie, it is very unhealthy to go night after night with no steady rest, he needs to know you are not there just because he cries a little. And he does need to know the crib is his bed, maybe soften his mattress a little with an extra blanket, like we did the playcrib? We will be praying for you both (all of you!) that he adapts to a new routine in his own bed. I'm finally feeling like a normal person again today, praise the Lord! xoxo
