Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Myths I've Debunked

So for those of you who didn't already know, before we found out for sure we were having a girl, we totally believed that we were going to have a boy. In fact, we were so convinced we already had a name picked out and referred to the baby as 'him' (which now I feel bad about). The reasons we felt so strongly about what we were having was due to many of the old wives tales that seemed to fit me to a t when it came to be carrying a boy. Well, now that we know it's a girl I thought it would be fun to look back on all the myths I've debunked.

Needle and Thread Test: Thread a string through a needle and hold the string with the needle above the expectant mother's belly. If the needle swings back and forth, the mom-to-be will be having a boy. If it moves in a circular motion, the parents will be greeting a baby girl. Now for this one I've actually heard it go either way with the direction that the needle moves so I even went to the next level by doing the test on my co-worker who already knew that she was having a girl and it was the opposite of what my needle did. So obviously I thought I would be carrying a boy.

Shapes: This one had two parts; one for the face and one for the belly. When your face gets fuller and rounder when pregnant, it means you’re going to have a girl. If your face is long and narrow, it’s a boy. I have an oval shaped face and it hasn't changed a bit since being pregnant which would mean boy. If you're belly is shaped more like a watermelon it's a girl; if it sticks out like a basketball it's a boy. I'm nothing but a basketball belly!

Cravings: Can't get enough sweets, girl. Love salty and sour, boy. Though I still love dessert, the only cravings I've experienced throughout my pregnancy have been for things that are salty. And even when I do want something sweet, I lean towards sour sweets like tart frozen yogurt or Sour Patch Kids.

Chinese Gender Chart: The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived. This tale told me we were having a boy. So much for its 90%
accuracy rate.

Headaches: If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy. In the beginning of my pregnancy I had headaches every single day. They've decreased the farther along I've gotten, but I still get them way more than I did before being pregnant.

There are other myths I've debunked but if I listed them all, this blog would be annoyingly long. And of course there are some old wives tales that match me with the fact that we're having a girl so they're not all wrong. It's funny to think about how these myths got started and why; probably out of boredom. Definitely makes you think twice about believing everything you hear!

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