Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Serious Face

Even though Mallory's feet don't quite touch the floor in order for her to be able to bounce herself, she still enjoys staring at the bright lights and listening to the melodies in her Einstein jumper. Don't let her serious face in the video fool you, she breaks out the smiles and laughs as soon as the camera turns off. She wouldn't want people thinking that she doesn't keep Jody and I on our toes!


  1. I miss my granddaughter.....and you guys too! Wish we lived closer.

  2. What a doll! Se is thinking things through! Smart little Mallory! Thanks for the peek, it makes my day to see her in action! xo

  3. Mamaw is watching you Mallory...I love seeing you play and experience things. I want to hug you SOOOO much! Hope to see you next week for a play day. Watching this video makes my day special little baby doll...Love You.
