Thursday, February 10, 2011

Four Months

Mallory turned four months old today and unfortunately it wasn't the best day for her. Poor little girl has a cold and on top of it she got her next round of immunization shots this morning. I thought for sure they wouldn't give them to her because she was sick but he said she was fine because she didn't have a fever. Of course she handled the appointment like a champ, only crying from the initial prick of the needles.

We've experienced some big milestones in the last month. Her biggest was starting daycare at the Kindercare just down the street from us. Though she's only been there for two weeks, she seems to be doing really well with the transition. She's even started sleeping through the night again, which I think is partly due to being in daycare. With other babies around and lots of toys to play with, she has a lot to keep her stimulated all day. On the flip side, she already got sick. Not sure if she got it from me or one of the kids at school, but either way it's a milestone that breaks my heart to see. Luckily her disposition is still positive, but you can tell that she feels super crummy and it scares her a little bit. She does this little whimpering noise which I've figured out is her way of just wanting you to touch her so she knows you're there. It's adorable. I think she's already figured out how to turn the charm on to get more attention; smart girl!

At about three and a half months she learned to roll over from her tummy to her back. She will sometimes show signs of going from her back to her tummy but hasn't figured it out all the way yet. She can sit up with your help and stay up on her own as long as you have your hands there for her to bounce off of like bumpers as she still is figuring out how to keep her balance to stay sitting up. Sometimes she'll lean forward too much and get stuck, face just inches away from her feet. I'll have to try and get a picture of it as it's pretty comical. I'm sure she doesn't appreciate it, but I can't help but chuckle. She still loves her changing table and now seems to talk and scream much louder than ever before. I love to hear her talk and wish she did it more often. The changing table and usually in the evenings is when she chats the most. I've even noticed that she talks to Jody more than me and it secretly makes me jealous a little. At the same time it's so heartwarming to see her turning into more of a daddy's girl. 

Her hair still doesn't seem to be getting longer but I have noticed that there's more of it so at least it is starting to grow. I look forward to when I can put clips and bows in her hair. She's up to 15 lbs and 25 in long, falling in the 80th percentile for both. I still don't totally know what that means, but to me she's perfectly proportionate. We started giving her rice cereal in her bottle at night. Dr. Randall told me that we can now try feeding it to her on a spoon so she can start getting used to eating from one. Once she's mastered that we can move on to veggies. I know it means messier feedings but I can't wait to see how she reacts to the taste of veggies. I hope she got my taste buds and likes vegetables; Jody doesn't care for them so I'll be fighting a battle to get her to eat them if she's like him. 

We love this little girl of ours like crazy, and that love grows more and more everyday. We're very blessed to have her in our lives. We thoroughly enjoy sharing her with all of our family and friends, thankful to have them as our support team. We're adjusting to this parent thing pretty well and are having so much fun exploring each day with Miss Mallory.


  1. Oh boy does she ever look like Daddy in the first two pictures! Babies go back and forth, looking like both parents. I see Jody right now! And if she is anything like her Daddy.....good luck with those vegies? Jody would master NOT eating them! We are down with the flu here too! My heart goes out to Jamie! She just got back from the doctors and Kaylee is very ill! Jamie is so tired! I am so glad that you and Jody have each other to share a sick Mallory! I would hope he is helping? :) Love and miss you 3! Hugs and kisses to those Mallory cheeks!!!!

  2. She is the cutest thing. I am so happy for you and Jody, seems to be the happy little family that everyone strives for. Hope she feels better soon. My cousin loves veggies to and the only veggies her husband eats us in a caesar salad. Luckily Erin started feeding Ellie early on and she loves them. Her favorite is a tomato and eats it like and apple.

    PS, you are a very talented writer and I enjoy reading your blogs.

  3. Mamaw says...what a beautiful little girl!! She is just getting prettier each day, so proud of her and all of her accomplishments. She is a good baby and so much fun, makes my heart warm seeing your blessed little family growing so close. Yes, her hair seems to be getting thicker and it is a gorgeous color. Hope you are all feeling better each day and I miss holding and kissing Mallory, it's time for a baby fix again!
    Love Mamaw

  4. Hi kidos, we miss you 3! xo
