Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reflections of Motherhood

I ran across this video on a friend of mine's blog and it touched me so much that I wanted to share it here as well. Becoming a mom for the first time is an experience that nobody - and I mean nobody - can completely prepare you for. Though you can prepare for the concept of motherhood, it's impossible to know what becoming a mom truly entails until it happens.

Personally, there are many sayings in this video that I can relate to but the one that tugs at my heart strings the most is, "It's okay to want a break." I am not going to sugarcoat how I felt in the beginning of Mallory's life, it was tough. For the first two months I didn't like motherhood so much. Dealing with a colicky baby was not how I envisioned things to go and there were many days where I would have rather been anywhere other than stuck at home with a crying baby. I craved breaks from her, even if they were only for 10-15 minutes. But when I would get those breaks I would feel so guilty for wanting them, like as if though wanting a break meant I wasn't a good mother. It took me a little while to finally be okay with wanting breaks and watching this video made me feel so even more. Wanting breaks doesn't mean I don't love my little girl. If anything, those breaks allow me to miss her and want to be with her even more.

I encourage you to share this Reflections of Motherhood video with other moms you know. It is guaranteed to touch all hearts in the way that they need to be touched.


  1. Very TRUE message!!!!! VERY GRATEFUL! I would also add that being a Mother never stops, just changes with time!
    Being a Mother has joys, lots of tears too. Teaching my children about life? I had plenty of being taught by my children!

    Mothers are HUMBLE people!!!!!! God Bless ALL Mom's!

  2. I loved all of those messages, they are all true and very touching to those who have lived them. I do have to say that next to accepting Jesus,it was the best "change" that ever happened to me in my life, there is no comparison to motherhood...I am SO proud of you Jackie. I know it was tough in the beginning (and there will be more trials!), but the rewards are the journey and the love is the truest ever! Love, Mom
