Sunday, February 20, 2011

Not So Favorite

At her last doctor's appointment, Dr. Randall told me that we could start feeding Mallory rice cereal from a spoon. We had already been giving her a little bit mixed in her bottle during her last feeding before bed but it was only a tablespoon at the most. The very first time we did it she knew something was different with her bottle, but she reluctantly drank it anyway. Now that she's able to sit with some assistance the doctor said it was time to try the spoon instead. Though I'm looking forward to this milestone I know it means things are about to get super messy and require a lot more time. Bottles are easy and quick with little to clean up afterward. 

My mom and Tom were in town today so I thought it would be a good time to give the spoon a try. I know my mom loves seeing Mallory experience things, and first time moments even more. We put her in the infant seat, strapped a bib around her neck, rolled up our sleeves and went to town. Unfortunately she barely ate any of it. It took me about 10 minutes just to get three spoonfuls in her mouth. And out of those three spoonfuls I put in her mouth ninja style, she maybe swallowed one. She gagged, pushed it out with her tongue, even sneezed a little out; anything to not have to swallow it. She looked so disgusted. Although our first attempt at rice cereal from a spoon wasn't a total success, practice makes perfect. So we'll continue to try her not so favorite method of rice cereal until she figures it out and learns to love it.

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