Thursday, March 10, 2011

Five Months

I can't believe Mallory is already five months old. I feel like this past month has just flown by. However, I think they all start flying by when children come into your life because every day is such an adventure and you're so busy enjoying it, you don't realize time passing by. Mallory gets more and more fun every day and now I understand why people continue having children even if the beginning of their experience with them wasn't so pleasant. Although I'll never forget how hard it was, it was so worth it. And I know that if we were to have another child the hard times would eventually become well worth it too.

Mallory brings so much joy and love into our lives, and I cherish it. Even if I know I'll be sitting in traffic on my way home from work, I'm still excited because I know it means I'm that much closer to seeing her face light up when I walk through the door. Jody gets the pleasure of picking her up from daycare, which he says always puts a smile on his face because she gets so excited to see him. It amazes me that even at five months old she recognizes us so much that she acts happy to see us. Definitely heart warming for sure. My little girl likes me! She really, really likes me!

She is so playful now and flirts like crazy. She loves snuggling in the morning. She's becoming even more curious and now wants to put anything and everything in her mouth. She's an awesome sleeper at night which I know won't last once teething starts, but I'm soaking it in for now. We even get to sleep in on the weekends now until almost 7am. She still isn't talking much and I have a feeling that her first words won't be for awhile; like the kids who don't say anything and then one day just start talking in sentences. She just recently found her thumb and though I'd rather not have to deal with a thumb sucking habit, it's super adorable. She is becoming harder to change because she moves so much; grabs onto her toes and won't let go as you sit there struggling to get her diaper on, all with a smirk on her face. Sometimes I think she already knows how to be a smart aleck, which is perfect considering our family. She sits on her own now but still has balance issues sometimes so we can't leave her unattended. She almost fell off the couch the other day because I put too much faith in her sitting ability. Luckily I was able to fly over the kitchen counter and grab her just in time, oops. Her eyes are still blue and haven't changed even a little bit so I'm starting to believe they might stay. She still has hardly any hair, which makes her big noggin' look even bigger. She doesn't seem to mind when I put headbands on her but they never stay anyway because she moves around too much.

Our weekday routine is getting easier especially now that she sleeps til around 6:30am. While I'm getting ready for work is her time to watch cartoons. She can sometimes take awhile to completely wake up first thing in the morning so it's my chance to get ready without having to entertain her as well. But I always make sure to leave enough time to give her some undivided attention before I drop her off at daycare. Of course I think about her all day long while at work, it's like I have a crush. While I feel like she's growing up way too quickly, I look forward to the fun developments her fifth month will bring.

Happy Five Months Burbles!


  1. Thank you Jac for all the time you spend on this blog! I han't begin to explain the joy it brings to Papa and I when you have put up new pictures and the added bonus of a video!!!!!! We will be home for Easter. Like Jody, when I see these videos I can't wait to get home and see my family!!! Love you very much! Miss you creazies terribly! xo

  2. Hi Miss Mallory...look at you so grown up! You are being so busy learning new stuff, so proud of you, makes us smile and laugh. How wonderful you are Jackie to share all of these treasured glimpses of life from your precious family time, it is pure JOY! And what a cute sugar bear...We love you all, Mamaw

  3. Love the bobbel head! :) xo
