Monday, March 21, 2011

Now a Teenager

Today is Leo's second birthday. In dog-years he's now a teenager. We gave him some extra love and extra treats today to celebrate. Happy birthday Buds!

In other news, Mallory is definitely starting to feel the effects from teething. She's been crankier than normal, cries while eating sometimes, drools and chews on things like crazy, and I'm pretty sure it's what her random fever last week was about. She still almost always sleeps through the night and if she does wake up, giving her the pacifier usually works. I don't feel anything when I run my finger on her gums but I don't doubt they're coming.

Her favorite thing right now is wet washcloths. Especially cold ones. She chews on them like a dog who gets a new toy. Sometimes she'll even make noises as if though she's growling, which is something else she's been doing a lot of. My nickname for her right now is Monster because she's been growling so much. It's almost as if it's her alarm to warn you that she's not 100% happy. When she does growl it doesn't always mean she's mad though. I think she just likes the noise. The washcloth she got ahold of tonight didn't stand a chance and the teething monster face was captured in action.


  1. Try rubbing whiskey on her gums! Yum yum! No more Monster! :)

  2. Thanks for the updates on Miss Mallory. Happy birthday soybean.
