Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Looking Forward

Life has been a whirlwind lately, both personally and professionally. I have never been so busy at work as I am right now. Between traveling, and overtime, and working from home, and crazy demanding clients with crazy demanding's unfortunately at the point now where it's invading my dreams at night or keeping me from sleeping. Stupid, evil work.

And to top it off our poor family of three has been super sick for the past month, just recycling each others germs. Mallory has been on three different medications since the beginning of September and honestly, I'm not entirely convinced that this new medicine is working all that great either. Poor monster. I want her so badly to feel better. And then there's me; I've been croupy for two weeks now which makes me wonder if my medicine even did anything.

Stressed to the max right now. Repeat after me: "God doesn't give us more than we can handle." "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." The silver linings that I am so much looking forward to, and think about when I get way overwhelmed:

-- Mallory's 'pancakes & pajamas' birthday party on Sunday! I tried to keep it simple this year - and I still feel that I am - but it is becoming more involved than I originally anticipated. That's what happens when I start thinking creatively; I'm having fun with it though!

-- Baby #2. And no that doesn't mean I'm pregnant. But it does mean that I am ready to be pregnant. And the sooner the better, if I'm allowed to make any requests!

-- This might be weird because I was just complaining about work, but this is a work trip that I'm actually looking forward to: San Diego in the middle of November. Why? Because it's right after one of my BFF's due date which means I'll have the opportunity to meet brand new Baby D! (Baby D, that means you better arrive on time!)

-- And of course, Maui at the end of November! I don't really have to explain anything here; it's MAUI!


  1. Sending prayers honey! 41 more days until Maui!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I also hope to be some help when I get myself down there. Maybe you and Jody can go out and have a stiff one, or two on Nama. Much love, and so proud of the person, mama, wife, planner you are! You strife for perfection in all you do and it shows!!!! xo

  2. Dear Precious Daughter of mine: You have overcome some HUGE challenges since you had Mallory, the growth & maturity I have watched bloom in you is awesome. I know what it is to be a working Mom and have work stress you out along with have climbed many mountains already, this "blip" is temporary, like all other "endurance builders" in our lives, hindsight will be interesting. You have Maui to look toward AND a baby in the future, what blessings they are!! Love from Your Proud Mom
