Monday, May 6, 2013

24 Weeks

I had my monthly doctor appointment this morning and all is good with little boy. He's still measuring a week ahead of where I'm at; no surprise with this belly as 'popped out' (as my doctor nicely put it) as it is. He has become much more active throughout the day (including in the middle of the night) and has kicked me pretty hard a few times to where it's literally hurt. He's definitely sitting lower than when I was carrying Mallory. I think that's the biggest reason why my sciatic has already flared up and is aggravated more easily. I ran 3.5 miles yesterday morning and by the evening it hurt just to walk; this little booger is making it hard to stay motivated to run.

I'm still slowly working on putting Nolan's room together. My community is having a garage sale this weekend so I've been busy purging every little thing I can to get ready for Saturday. I remember doing garage sales a lot growing up and I love that the community here does it as a whole so we get more traffic. Once I get rid of all the extra stuff that's in my way, I'll be able to focus on completing Nolan's room. I'm hoping to get it done with enough time to make some changes to Big Sister's room; I don't want monster thinking she's been left out.


  1. You look great Jackie...and the dress is a hit for sure. Sorry he is active at night, you were such a great "sleeper" (all of your life), never bothered me at night during pregnancy...thank you! I think you loved that warm water bed.
