Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Testing it Out: Toddler Bed

After thinking about it for weeks, talking to friends with toddlers, and reading a few articles, I finally just got up the nerve to convert Mallory's crib into her toddler bed. I can't even tell you how many times I said to myself, "okay, here I go," but I would never get that final push to actually start the transformation of her bed. So I did it; I got out the manual and tools this morning and went to work on changing it over. I'm not sad that my little baby is turning even more into a little girl with this new transition, I'm more worried that she'll start getting out of bed and leaving her room. If she does I already know her first stop will be me. She told me the other night at 1am that she "wanted to come sleep with me in my bed." I was dumbfounded for a second because I've never, ever let her sleep in the same bed with me so I didn't know she could grasp the concept of sleeping with me.

After I finished putting her newly-transformed bed together I asked her to come in her room so I could show her something. She was a little hesitant to jump right in bed, but she still had smiles and seemed content about the change. Once I directed her on how to get in and out, she was off to jumping and playing in her bed as if nothing were different. She even brought her new Woody and Buzz car toys in bed to play with her. So proud of her willingness to try new situations! Too bad I can't relay that desire over to eating certain foods.

It's nap time right now and she's been sleeping away like usual. The big test will be tonight and throughout the night. She's normally a good sleeper but lately has been waking up every so often - dreams maybe... I'm planning on having to help her back into her bed a few times until she completely understands, but I figure it's easier to do it now while I only have one child to worry about in the middle of the night. Besides, I'm already up so much throughout the night with being pregnant that if there is a change in her sleeping habits it really won't make mine much worse.

Snoozing soundly


  1. Wow, such a grown up girl, Mallory! I like your new bed and I pray you will help Mommy more now that you have a toddler bed...big step Mom, you are brave, I am proud of you...

  2. Mallory Quinn is a big girl now! We are so proud of her changes, but also wish time would slow down just a little! xo
