Monday, June 17, 2013

30 Weeks

If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, "Are you sure you aren't due soon!?," I'd have a lot of extra cash to spend. Yes I know that my belly is big. I'm the pregnant lady that is all belly so of course it's gonna be big. Even Mallory keeps saying, "He's gonna come out soon," when she rubs on baby Nolan. I've had to be more mindful lately when I'm trying to squeeze into tight spaces; I sometimes forget that I will get squished. And Mallory is at the perfect height right now that when she runs to give me a hug, her head bumps right into the bottom of my belly. It's funny when she comes at me quickly and her head bounces back like a punching bag. It hurts me a little but it's worth the laugh that I get out of it.

Running is still my primary form of exercise however, I'm not sure for how much longer. It's definitely much easier when I don't have to push Mal in the stroller but overall, running in general is starting to become more of a challenge. It's not so much the weight of my belly that makes it uncomfortable (I wear a support belt that helps with that), it's that my legs feel heavy and picking up my feet is tiresome after a while. It's a nice reward though to know that my exercise regimen is paying off by keeping the extra pregnancy weight off. I've been hovering around 20 pounds gained and with 10 more weeks to go until the end, I might even be able to keep in line with the 30 pounds that I gained with Mallory.

Don't be alarmed when I tell you that I still deal with morning sickness. For a second there I thought the throwing up had stopped and all I had to manage was bouts of nausea that would go away after taking Zofran. But alas, I woke up this morning and the puke-free streak had ended. Bummer. But at least the heartburn hasn't been as often; pretty much only gets aggravated when I eat the foods that are known to cause it. I love to eat so I weigh my consequences and sometimes it's worth having to eat a handful of Tums later on.

Jody and I had our hospital tour last Saturday over at Kaiser Roseville. Mallory was delivered at Mercy Folsom and when comparing the two hospitals based on the rooms and amenities, they're about the same. Let's just hope the birthing process for Nolan and experience with the staff is as enjoyable as what I experienced with Mallory at Mercy. I'm confident that this time around will actually be easier because it's a planned c-section but there's always a little bit of apprehension when you're trying out a new place. As long as Nolan doesn't come earlier than his scheduled due date I'll be more at ease. I'm eager to get that date nailed down at my next doctor appointment in a couple of weeks.

30 weeks

Monster wanted a picture of her belly too!

This skirt leaves marks on my belly big time now

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