Wednesday, June 26, 2013

31 Weeks & Counting Down

I am 31 weeks - plus 3 days as my doctor reminded me this morning at my check up. She's right though, every day counts when you're pregnant. It's like a badge of honor to declare how long you've been carrying the baby around. I'm at 22 pounds gained - keep it up Jenkins! And with less than nine weeks to go because today at my check up we scheduled the date of my c-section. Unless baby Nolan decides to make an early appearance, my due date has changed and he will be born on August 20. Now that the date has been chosen and is in the books with Kaiser, I feel like my finish line is in plain view.

My doctor and I also talked about my birthing plan. If I make it to August 20 we'll go forward with the c-section as planned. But if Nolan comes earlier than that, then I will be trying for a VBAC. I'll still get an epidural because I'm a wimp when it comes to pain, but I'll give labor a try again. I just won't try for 23 hours this time before stopping the show to say "okay, no more of this nonsense let's get this kid out already!" I don't think any woman should have to go through a whole day worth of labor, and not just for selfish reasons but also for the safety of the baby.

Baby shower for Nolan is approaching soon so I'm in planning mode for that. And don't be surprised that I'm doing my own shower; I'm an event planner remember. I can't turn it off and I'm totally fine with it. I'm still getting help from others so it's not like I'm being a total control freak. His room is thisclose to being done. I finished painting the piece that will go above his crib with his name. I like it a lot and just need to hang it up. I finally put together the dresser/changing table; it was actually easier than I thought but still took me some time to assemble. My mom is sewing some sheets and will be here next week so we can complete his bedding ensemble. I'm looking forward to seeing everything complete and then sharing it with everyone.

Oops, chopped some of my belly off!

1 comment:

  1. First of all you look amazing and second that dress is fab!
